The data store is well-suited for your hybrid application, and it takes very little Python to whip up a RESTful interface to your queue. 这个数据存储很适合于混合应用程序,并且只需很少的Python编程就可以打造出一个面向您的队列的RESTful式接口。
For hybrid engine suppliers, for example, component interface specifications need to be written with the assumption that physical parameters will vary. 举例来说,对于混合动力发动机的供应商,必须在假设物理参数必将有所变化的前提下编写组件连接规范。
A Domino server can also have a hybrid J2EE/ Domino design that uses Domino forms for displaying the user interface and Java servlets to handle the form processing. Domino服务器也可以采用混合型的J2EE/Domino设计,使用Domino表单来显示用户界面,使用Javaservlet来实现对表单的处理。
Another alternative for a Domino/ J2EE hybrid architecture uses a J2EE server ( specifically JSP, such as Tomcat) to deliver the user interface, but Domino databases to store data. 另外一种可以选择的Domino/J2EE混合架构将使用一台J2EE服务器(通常是JSP,例如Tomcat)来显示用户界面,但使用Domino数据库来存储数据。
By SEM examination, the morphological change of the dentin surface treated by Contax Primer, and the hybrid layer and resin tag in the dentin-resin interface were studied. 扫描电镜观察硬化牙本质表面超微形态以及树脂牙本质界面的混合层和树脂突的微观表现。
The results indicate that there are space charge and polar charge for the hybrid film charged by means of corona discharge method, and the interface between PP and PTFE layers are the main source of charge traps. 结果表明,电晕充电的多孔PTFE/熔喷或纺粘PP覆膜材料中,既存在空间电荷又存在极化电荷,复合膜的界面是电荷陷阱的主要来源。
Potential Controlled Self-assembly of ZnO-surfactant Hybrid Multilayers on Solid-liquid Interface 电位控制ZnO/表面活性剂复合多层膜在固/液界面上的自组装
By the hybrid reconfiguration of user interface, business process and data, HRT brings the reconfiguration of the whole information system to success. 组合重构技术采用界面、流程和数据组合重构的方式,实现整个企业信息系统的全面重构。
Further investigation of the real-time interaction and data exchange between the electromechanical stability program and the electromagnetic transient program is explored, and a real-time digital hybrid interface which utilizes the voltage prediction techniques to correct the one electromechanical time step delay in the real-time interaction has been developed. 提出了先进的集成混合实时仿真系统和实时数字混合接口的原理、数据交互方式和电压预测技术,对经济有效地扩大实时测试系统的规模具有重要意义。
A new hybrid simulation algorithm of alternative iteration is introduced to handle the interface between the UPFC and the power network. Dynamic phasors method in modeling UPFC is discussed, and then UPFC control system is also analyzed. 提出了一种新的含UPFC装置的电力系统动态混合仿真接口算法,算法中对UPFC采用动态相量建模,对电力系统网络则采用成熟的机电暂态仿真。
In software development process, a series of methods are summed up, such as multi-platform hybrid language programming and effectively combining QT a cross-platform user interface design tool with OPENGL a powerful plot library. 在软件开发过程中,总结出了一套在多平台下混合编程的方法及将跨平台的用户界面设计工具QT与强大的绘图库OPENGL有效结合使用的方法。
The moire interferometry method and moire interferometry-finite element analysis hybrid method have been applied to study interface fracture behaviors of bimaterial specimen which is simulated to porcelain-Fused-to Metal ( PFM) restoration. 本文利用云纹干涉法和云纹干涉一有限元混合法,对瓷修复体的模拟双材料模型界面断裂问题进行了实验研究。
This paper introduces the application of hybrid programming in the AAM launcher automatic test and measurement system. The configuration of the system software and the general methord of the interface between C and assembly language are depicted. 本文介绍了混合语言编程技术在空空导弹发射架自动测试系统中的应用,说明了系统软件的结构,并简要阐述了C与汇编接口的一般方法。
Application of Hybrid Interface Modal Synthesis Technique to Jitter Responses Analysis and Simulation of Remote Sensing Satellites 模态综合在遥感卫星颤动响应分析中的应用
Study on Hybrid Finite Element Method for Stress intensity Factor of Three Dimensional Interface Crack 三维界面裂缝应力强度因子的杂交元计算方法研究
The post WIMP interface is analyzed from the point of view of hybrid system, which can give more accurate and strict analysis for post WIMP interface. 从形式化系统的角度分析Post-WIMP界面,通过将Post-WIMP界面抽象为混合系统能够更为准确和严格地分析Post-WIMP界面的特性。
The paper presents a development method of virtual instrument technology, which uses plug-in DAQ board as hardware and the hybrid programm on the basis of VC++ interface and MATLAB data treatment. The method is used to measure the viscoelastic properties of the propellant grain. 介绍了一种以数据采集卡为底层硬件,基于VC++界面和MATLAB数据处理混合编程开发的虚拟仪器技术,并将它用于火箭发动机推进剂药柱粘弹性性能测试。
The operation mechanisms in the hybrid MMC were dislocation damping, Gr/ Al interface micro gliding damping and interface internal friction at low temperature, and the interface sliding and dislocation movement dragging the point defects damping at high temperature. 表明混杂增强的MMC的最主要阻尼机制可以归结为:在低温下的位错阻尼机制、Gr/基体界面的微滑移和界面阻尼机制;
The modeling of jitter responses analysis of remote sensing satellite based on hybrid interface modal synthesis technique is introduced. 介绍了基于混合界面模态综合方法的遥感卫星动力学模型及其简化计算方案;
The hybrid interface was of different relaxationbehaviours from the single ones. 混杂界面具有与单一界面不同的力学松弛行为。
At last, an example of the hybrid stepping motor is designed and the experiment result demonstrates the validity of the system which has many virtues such as friendly interface 、 convenient operation 、 powerful function 、 accurate calculation and so on. 论文给出了一个设计实例,实验结果证明了混合式步进电动机CAD系统的准确可靠,该系统具有功能强大、操作及维护方便、界面友好、计算准确等特点。
The difference of hybrid interface of two control methods ( PS-PWM and PAM) is compared and different calculational methods of output power are also given. 分析比较了PS&PWM调功方式和PAM调功方式单片机接口电路的不同之处,并给出了输出功率计算的不同方法。
Discussed the supervisory control framework and hybrid automata for modeling the hybrid dynamical system, which including its application, its plant described, its control goat, interface and controller designing technique. 探讨了混合系统的监控框架和混合自动机模型。讨论了监控框架的应用场合、系统对象的描述、性能和控制目标的标识、接口的设计方法和控制器的合成方法。
The morphological change of the dentin surface conditioned with the etchant, and the hybrid zone and resin tags in the dentin-resin interface were studied by SEM. 扫描电镜观察酸蚀处理后硬化牙本质表面的超微形态改变,以及树脂粘接修复后树脂-牙本质界面的混合层和树脂突的微观表现。
The relationship between thermal expansion performance and hybrid structure, hybrid type and interface status of hybrid composites is analyzed with experiments. 通过力学和热性能实验分析了混杂复合材料的混杂结构、混杂方式及界面状态与热膨胀性能的关系。
Hybrid Model of Intelligent Control System with Fuzzy Logical Interface 具有模糊接口的智能控制系统混合模型
The high FOC of hybrid DSC and the back reactions at the TiO2/ dye/ electrolyte interface were analyzed by investigating on the photoelectrochemical properties. 通过光电化学性质研究分析了复合DSC获得较高Voc的原因TiO2/染料/电解质界面的背反应等。
This hybrid programming technology not only improves the efficiency of programming, also ensures that the software has a computationally efficient, friendly interface and features. 这种混合编程技术既提高了编程效率,也保证了软件具有计算效率高、界面友好等特点。